Index | NAME | Function |
D.7.1 | MPOSDF | Positive definite flag |
D.7.2 | MZERO | Zero pivot flag |
D.7.3 | NBITSZ | Number of lost bits on diagonal to call zero |
D.7.4 | NBITSP | Number of lost bits on diagonal to print a warning |
D.7.5 | RPIVOT | Value to set zero pivot reciprocal |
D.7.6 | PIVMIN | Absolute value of minimum pivot |
D.7.7 | NPIVOT | Number of equations pivoted (SLAB format) read-only |
D.7.8 | NUMSCG | Number of diagonal sign changes during factoring read-only |
D.7.9 | NEQSUB | First equation of substructure |
D.7.10 | IALGOR | Optional factoring algorithms |
D.7.11 | MINDIM | Minimum dimension to terminate Strassen's algorithm |
D.7.12 | SAVOPS | Number of floating point operations saved read-only |
D.7.13 | CONINV | Inverse condition number read-only |
D.7.14 | ATERMS | Number of terms in matrix read-only |
D.7.15 | AZEROS | Number of zero's in matrix read-only |
D.7.16 | FZEROS | Number of zero's in matrix factor read-only |
D.7.17 | IPOLLD | CPU synchronization on diagonal elements |