Data Type


Default Value



This parameter is used to accumulate timing statistics on individual FMS and user subroutines.

The following is a detailed description of each option. The value of LOGTIM you specify is obtained by adding together the numeric value of each option you select. Because these numeric values are a power of 2, they have the effect of setting bits in LOGTIM.

  • 0, Do not accumulate times.
    In order to completely turn off timing, you must also specify all the print codes to 0 by setting the FMS Parameter PRINT = 0.
  • +1, Accumulate times for high level FMS routines called by your application.
  • +2, Accumulate times for low level FMS subroutines.
    These include:
    • Matrix triple products RSDWTP and RNDWTP
    • Matrix multiply
    • Triangle solve
    • Diagonal block factoring
    • Counting the number of operations saved by reduced operation algorithms. These algorithms are selected by the FMS Parameter IALGOR. The number of saved operations is available in the SAVOPS Parameter.
  • +4, Print a flowchart as each enabled subroutine is called. This flowchart is suspended during parallel execution.
  • +8, Accumulate times for your subroutines which contain calls to FMSPSH and FMSPOP.