Data Type


Default Value



This parameter determines whether FMS creates a new file or uses an existing file. The following options are available:

  • 0, Create a new file. This is similar to the FORTRAN directive STATUS='NEW' on the OPEN statement..
  • 1, Use an existing file. Fail with a file not found error if the file does not exist. This is similar to the FORTRAN directive STATUS='OLD' on the OPEN statement.
  • 2, Use an existing file if it can be found. Otherwise create a new file. This is similar to the FORTRAN directive STATUS='UNKNOWN' on the OPEN statement.

This option allows you to reopen FMS files that have been previously saved with the IFKEEP parameter.

When you reopen a file, you must supply the file attribute list that was used for the file when it was created. If the file was created in a separate job, this list must be written to and reread from a restart file.