Data Type


Default Value



This parameter controls the amount of printed output produced by calls to the vector-vector multiply routine RSDVVM, RNDVVM, CHDVVM, CSDVVM, CNDVVM. The print code summary table lists the values of IPRVV and the output produced.

The following is a detailed description of each option. The value of IPRVV you specify is obtained by adding together the numeric value of each option you select. Because these numeric values are a power of 2, they have the effect of setting bits in IPRVV.

  • 0, No output from vector-vector multiply is printed.
  • +1, Start and stop timing is printed.
    The following is an example:
     TIME(SEC): CPU   =       2.435,        WALL=       2.638
  • +2, Timing information for each vector group is printed.
    The following is an example:
     F M S     V E C T O R S   -   V E C T O R S     M U L T I P L Y
     <----FUNCTION--->   <--VECTORS-->     <-CPU  TIME(SEC)->     <-WALL TIME(SEC)->
                         FIRST    LAST     DELTA        TOTAL     DELTA        TOTAL
     V*V   MULTIPLY          1      55     1.670        1.670     1.722        1.722
     V*V   MULTIPLY         56     100     0.740        2.410     0.756        2.478
  • +4, The {X} and {Y} vectors are printed before multiplication.
  • +8, The initialization matrix {D} is printed before multiplication. The output matrix {F} is printed after multiplication.
  • +1024, The actual performance achieved in Megaflops is printed. This computation is based on an actual count of the number of floating point operations (adds and multiplies) required and the actual time spent.

CAUTION: For large problems this parameter can produce a lot of output. You can use the FMS Parameters NEQPR1 and NEQPR2 to create a window on the matrix and vector terms printed.