
Installing Matrix Warrior

This page conatins instructions on how to download and install the Matrix Warrior game and supporting software.
  1. Download one of the following Matrix Warrior software products
    Product OS Processor
    * MatrixWarrior.tar.gz, ( Size= bytes, Updated ) Linux 64-bit X86 with SSE4 or AVX instructions
    * MatrixWarrior.zip, ( Size= bytes, Updated ) Windows 64-bit X86 with SSE4 or AVX instructions

  2. Download and install the NVIDIA software
    If you are using the GPU enabled version of MatrixWarrior, MatrixWarriorGPU, it will need the NVIDIA drivers and run time library.

    OS NVIDIA Version Files Used by FMSlib
    * 64-bit Linux 285.05.33 /usr/lib64/libnvidia-ml.so
    * 64-bit Windows 7 and Vista 286.16 c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvsmi\NVML.DLL
    * 64-bit Windows XP 286.19 c:\program files\nvidia corporation\nvsmi\NVML.DLL
    After installing the driver, run the command
    nvidia-smi -a
    to list information about the installed GPUs.

    CUDA Toolkit
    OS Version NVIDIA Version Default Install Directory Files Used
    * 64-bit OpenSUSE 11.2 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit SUSE Enterprise server 11 SP1 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit RedHat Enterprise 6.0 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit RedHat Enterprise 5.5 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit Ubuntu 11.04 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 4.1.28 /usr/local/cuda/lib64 libcudart.so
    * 64-bit Windows 4.1.15 c:\propgram files\nvidia gpu computing toolkit\cuda\v4.1\bin CUDART64_41_15.DLL

    For additional drivers and the NVIDIA Software Development Kit, go to the NVIDIA Developer Zone. The Software Development Kit is only required if you plan to develop software for the GPU.

  3. Check that all the supporting libraries are present. Install anything that is missing before proceeding.

  4. Run MatrixWarrior

    For systems with the NVIDIA software installed, run MatrixWarriorGPU

    For systems without the NVIDIA software, run MatrixWarrior

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